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Civil Rights Restoration



This Notice pertains to persons convicted of felonies who are eligible for restoration of voting rights under Amendment 4, approved by Florida voters on November 6, 2018.


What is Amendment 4?   This amendment restores the voting rights of Floridians with felony convictions after they complete all terms of their sentence, including parole or probation. The amendment does not apply to those convicted of murder or felony sexual offenses.  


Can I register to vote?  If you were disqualified from voting solely due to a felony conviction (other than murder or a felony sexual offense), and you have completed all terms of your sentence including parole, probation, payment of all court fees, fines and restitution, the Lafayette County Supervisor of Elections will process your voter registration application.   


When can I register to vote?  Amendment 4 became effective Tuesday, January 8, 2019.  If Amendment 4 restores your voting rights, the Lafayette County Supervisor of Elections will process your voter registration application beginning Tuesday, January 8, 2019.


How do I register to vote?  You must complete a voter registration application (available at the Supervisor of Elections office) or you can register online at  You must complete the entire form.  Completing the form includes checking a box, swearing (or affirming) under oath, that your right to vote has been restored.


What happens next?  If the registration application is complete and the information is verified by the Supervisor of Elections, you will receive a voter identification card by mail within the next few weeks.  If the registration application is incomplete or denied, you will be notified by mail.  You can check your voter registration status here: