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Becoming a Candidate

What is a candidate?

As defined in 97.021(3), Florida Statutes, a candidate is any person who:

  • Seeks to qualify for nomination or election by means of a petitioning process; 

  • Seeks to qualify for nomination or election as a write-in candidate; 

  • Receives contributions or makes expenditures or gives their consent for any other person to receive contributions or make expenditures with a view to bringing about their nomination or election to, or retention in, public office; 

  • Appoints a treasurer and designates a primary depository; or 

  • Files qualification papers and subscribes to a candidate's oath as required by law. 

 However, this definition does not include any candidate for a political executive committee.




When should I announce my candidacy?

  •  You can announce your candidacy at any time before qualifying. 

 Once you have announced your candidacy, you must:

  •  File an Appointment of Campaign Treasurer and Designation of Campaign Depository Form (DS-DE 9) with the Supervisor of Elections office Before you collect any money toward your candidacy, spend any money in furtherance of your candidacy, collect signatures to qualify by the petition process, or open a bank account (106.021, F.S.); 

  • File a Statement of Candidate Form (DS-DE 84) with the Supervisor of Elections within 10 days of filing form DS-DE 9 (106.023, F.S.); 

  • A Judicial Candidate must file a Statement of Candidate Form for Judicial Office (DS-DE 83) with the Supervisor of Elections within 10 days of filing form DS-DE 9 (106.023, F.S.). 

  • Legislative Candidates must contact the filing officer with the Division of Elections.


Once I become a candidate, is it possible to change and run for a different office?

 Yes, under 106.021(1)(a), F.S., you may change your mind and run for a different office after becoming a candidate, providing you do the following:

  • File a new DS-DE 9 designating the new office; 

  • Within 15 days of the new appointment, notify, in writing, all contributors and offer to return their contributions in full or pro rata.  The Request for Return of Contributions Form (DS-DE 86) may be used for this purpose; 

If, after 30 days from this notice, the contributor has not requested the return of their contribution, you may use these funds for the newly designated office campaign.