Active Registered Voters
  • as of
  • Democrats:
  • Republicans:
  • Others:
  • Total:



Dear Lafayette County Voters: 

  Thank you for visiting your Lafayette County Supervisor of Elections website.  Through this website, I hope to provide you with the latest information available to make your voting experience as enjoyable and efficient as possible.  While browsing you will find all the election information and tools you need from registering to vote, requesting a vote-by-mail ballot, to casting your vote on Election Day. 

  Voting is the most fundamental and basic right we possess as American citizens and I encourage all eligible voters to take advantage of this unique opportunity.  Rest assured, your vote will count and it will make a difference.

  It is an absolute honor and privilege to serve as your Supervisor of Elections.  If there is anything our office can do to assist you, please do not hesitate to contact us.  I look forward to seeing you soon!



Travis Hart

Supervisor of Elections
Lafayette County


Canvassing Board Members & Alternates:

Hon. Darren Jackson

Hon. Lance Lamb

Hon. Travis Hart

Hon. Mason Byrd

Blair Marzloff